“My water broke, it’s time to head to the hospital.”

“I had a contraction, it’s time to head to the hospital.”

These are both common scenarios that we see in movies and on TV shows. Unfortunately, this is where we often gather ideas for what is normal with birth and it couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s always important have these discussions with your care provider, but before you do, it’s important that you know what is possible and what are things you can ask for.

For example, some doctors will say once your water breaks, you should head to the hospital while other doctors and midwives will let you stay home for up to 24 hours after your water breaks. There’s always a huge range of what is considered safe and what is considered normal.

Also, if you plan on having a less medicated birth, you may try to stay home as long as possible. If your water is intact, then possibly, you could stay home till contractions are three minutes apart, with each contraction lasting for about a minute each and for one to two hours. This is definitely something that you will have to talk more with your doctor about, and some may want you to come in when contractions are five minutes apart, lasting a minute each in for one to two hours.

COMMUNICATION is key! Talk with your doctor or your midwife AND find a care provider that you align with and that makes you feel comfortable.

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