Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between your classes and the classes that my hospital offers?

Our classes are comprehensive, hands-on, communication and activity-based. They include a helpful and easy-to-implement workbook. Hospital-based classes are larger and typically lecture-style, shorter, non-interactive and not as comprehensive. Our in-person classes are smaller (typically 7-8 couples) which allows for more conversation and activities.

How do I know what classes to take?

Most of our birthing classes are geared for medicated or unmedicated births. The focus is informed decision-making and communication with your partner and healthcare provider. We strongly believe that your options can help you have an improved birth outcome.

Do you have these classes offered in any other languages other than English?

All of our virtual classes are offered in both Spanish and English. Click here to learn more about our Spanish classes.

Should I take a breastfeeding class?

We highly recommend taking a breastfeeding class if you plan on breastfeeding. Our breastfeeding class comes with a very helpful workbook and is more comprehensive than most hospital-based classes.

In-person classes may be available in your area in 2024, please check the map to see if they are offered.

Online Childbirth classes

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